Thursday, 29 March 2007

Give of Life

Here is another hymn written back in February 2006.
It is written to an original tune which has an odd metre of 66 66 6 - so do please ask me to email an mp3.

This is a gentle, urging, joyful song which seeks to explore the church and our humanity within it.

Giver of Life, Breath, Love;
In you we grow, laugh, die.
Holding us firm, Your voice
Gives to my heart joys song.
Here in the still, we sing!

Bringing our hidden lives;
All we ourselves shun, despise,
We rest them here in peace,
Here we will come as friends,
Not as a judge condemns.

Worship is bliss to us!
Space for our hearts to dance,
Lifting our souls to you,
Praying our world your peace
Singing with Christ’s new tune.

Sharing this time, we come
Not by ourselves alone,
But as a church we bring
Sacrament, offering;
Memory of God shared Wine.

Spirit of God, moving,
Calling to us, walk, live!
Here we respond, give time
To hear God’s voice afresh.
Spirit of God, we come!

Words © Martin Knight (4th February 2006)
Tune: Giver of Life - 66 66 6
Music © Martin Knight (4th February 2006)